Your mom was bursting with the news about her high school reunion. June 5, 2010. 25 years! I did a little digging and found out that mine is in October 2010. 25 years! 1985 seems so far away and high school is a but a faded, distant memory. We went to two of her class reunions but none of mine. Today I actually registered on an alumni site to keep up with mine because I think I finally want to go to one. The website was pretty interesting. It had our senior pictures online for all the world to see along with a bit of information about what everyone has been doing since then. The pictures of my classmates seemed like some kind of time capsule, everyone trapped just the way I remember them in a mid-1980's cool pose. Then I read some of my classmates current bios and screeched forward to the present time. Some of the people we graduated with have kids in college! Some are even grandparents! Here we are with you not even having cut your first tooth yet. We probably have the youngest child of our classmates. I think we can count on you to keep us young while the rest of the class of 1985, how shall I say it, ahem,
matures and grows old gracefully. We will grow old kicking and screaming while hauling you off to music lessons, swim practice, birthday parties, church stuff, and anything else your little heart desires. Nothing graceful about that but the reward will be worth the cost and effort, no matter how undignified we appear in the process.