Several people have asked us when we are going to get your ears pierced. This question started almost immediately after we brought you home from the hospital. I have this thing about infants wearing earrings, it just looks ridiculous to me; yet I see babies wearing earrings all the time. They reminds me of the big bald-headed earring-wearing genie from Aladin without the baggy pants and the fancy bottle. Now if you were one of those really ugly babies, earrings may serve as a distraction from ugliness. In the case of those androgynous baby girls that always get mistaken for being little boys, earrings may help with gender identification. Those things can always be overcome by fashion. Earrings on an infant just look silly. Usually the people who love earrings on a baby girl balk at lip rings, nose rings, and eyebrow rings. The standard answer I give to everyone who asks "When are you going to get her ears pierced?" is this: "We have decided to wait and get her piercings after her first tattoo." This usually stops any further line of questioning dead in its tracks.